Open Daily 9:30–6:00, Monday Until 8:00

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Join the Group!

Become a member of the Canterbury history Group, show your support, and receive a range of year-round membership benefits.

Who can join?

Anyone with an interest in Canterbury and its history is welcome to join our group.

Benefits for all members:

Membership also gives you a range of benefits:

How do I become a member?

Becoming a member is easy. You can purchase your membership online, download and fill in the form here or complete the online form below.

Canterbury History Group Inc Membership Form
Can you help us?
We are a non- profit, incorporated group that aims to explore, record and share the community’s history and heritage.To do this we need membership and an enthusiastic group of volunteers.

If you have time to help us, an interest in history, or secretarial, photographic or IT skills etc, we would love to hear from you.



We welcome donations of documents, photographs, letters, memoirs, family histories, or written or recorded memories of events in Canterbury.

Download the donation form here.

Grants & Sponsorship

History groups like ours cannot operate without sponsorship.

Canterbury History Group is grateful to our sponsors the Bendigo Bank who have provided us with generous grants which enable us to share our history with the public.

This grant was awarded to enable us to publish the revised 2nd edition of ‘Canterbury A History’ by Don Gibb with Jill Barnard.

This grant was awarded to Canterbury History Group to purchase a printer/scanner and laptop for use in the new Heritage Centre.

The City of Boroondara has shown its commitment to heritage in the municipality by refurbishing the Old Library in the Canterbury Gardens as a Heritage Centre for Canterbury History Group and Surrey Hills Historical Society. We are grateful for their ongoing support through Triennial Grant funding and occasional annual grants.

Annual Community Strengthening Grants – City of Boroondara and Rotary Club of Balwyn.

This grant was awarded to Canterbury History Group and Surrey Hills Historical Society to facilitate their relocation in the new Maling Heritage Centre and to develop a website, equipment for community use and outreach activities and software for marketing and community connection.

This grant will provide training in disaster preparedness and response, first aid training and purchase of equipment to better record and protect collection items. This training and equipment is shared with Surrey Hills Historical Society.

This grant enabled Canterbury History Group to publish the first edition of ‘Canterbury A History’.

Triennial Operational Funding – City of Boroondara.

This funding supports operational and program costs to maximise the opportunity provided by our relocation to the new Heritage Centre in the Canterbury Gardens. Specifically, it has enabled us to upload our catalogue to Collections Victoria and to continue to catalogue our collection.

Incorporated in Victoria, Registration No: A0044021M – ABN: 79 571 051 573
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